Vanuatu – True Blue & Red Hot

Vanuatu – True Blue & Red Hot

On our last afternoon in Santo we took a trip in an outrigger canoe to one of the blue holes on the island. The blue hole in question was the origin of a small river, and was filled with the clearest and bluest water I have ever seen. Very special.
The next day took us to Tanna, to the Mt Yasur Volcano. The travel brochures promised us an amazing display of fireworks, but sceptical as we are, we had to see it to believe it. And boy, did we see it! Looking into the crater is like looking into the depths of hell, with glowing lava being spit out every few minutes, accompanied by a loud, deep rumbling noise. Even though we were standing upwind, we could feel the heat sometimes. Click on 'read more' to see a video of the volcano or view our photos here.
We are now in Fiji, where the sun is shining brightly, the palm trees are waving in the wind and life is generally good. We will continue our search for the most beautiful beach on earth here… for now, Palau is still nr. 1.

About Miek

Miek has created 151 entries.

One Comment

  • Annette

    Wow – what a cool video! Very impressive! Good that you had to see it to believe it. And thanks for sharing this video with us.
    Have a great time in Fiji!

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