After 452 days and 2 hours (or 15 months) of traveling, well over 125 thousand kilometers, roughly 36 countries/territories, around 90 flights, crossing the date line 4 times, posting more than a hundred stories to this blog and shooting more than 18 thousand pictures, we’re finally home. And that feels very very weird. We had an incredibly nice welcome at the airport. Friends and family were all there to greet us… Most of them we hadn’t seen for at least 15 months. Some we had seen sometime during our trip. And we met one little fella who hadn’t even been born yet when we left..
“What was your favorite destination?”, “Where would you go back to?”, “Did you have any really bad experiences?”, “Didn’t you get tired of traveling and all the new impression all the time?”, “Did you get sick some times?”. These are some of the, obvious, questions we’re being asked all the time and I’m sure we’ll hear them a lot more, for a long time. Well, we’ll have to figure some of the answers out in the coming days and weeks. Yes, we had an incredible time. Nothing compares to it. A once in a lifetime experience (probably, but who knows). Total freedom. All the adventures and experiences. Nothing to worry about but where to sleep, what to eat and where to go next.. Okay, our carbon footprint is huge now but we’ve found out that a second hand Prius isn’t all that expensive.. 😉
Even though the weather is pretty nice for the time of year, it’s so much colder than what we’ve been used to. We’ll need some time to adjust ourselves. Our house was cold and empty so we’re busy now unpacking all of our stored stuff and making our house our home again. After that it’s unfortunately time to find some work again… Brrrr. Not looking forward to that at all. But there is no other way.
I’m sure we will be traveling more soon and we may write about that here but until then: thank you all and we hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures… We like to hear from you so feel free to tell us what you think or ask us anything. Just leave a comment here…
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